Work with file repositories

The configuration for a Nuix Discover file repository contains the path and permissions for connecting to the stored files and folders. The application supports image, index, and file transfer repositories.

Image, index and file transfer repositories can be on the same physical server, although the number of servers should be scaled to the size of your environment.

File transfer repositories contain the folders for the files you import, export, ingest, upload, or download in the application. You must select the file repository when you perform any of these functions. For better performance, file transfer repositories should be on a separate server.

Optionally, a file repository can be designated as an archive. Use the archive repository for storage that is accessed infrequently and that does not require high performance.

External file repositories, such as cloud storage, can be configured and accessed by case administrators on the Case Home > Manage Documents > File Repositories page. In general, external file repositories are owned by a single organization. If organization security is enabled for your portal, be sure to add the file repository to your organization as described in Assign_or_unassign_file_repositories_for_the_organization.

Before creating a case, the system administrator must configure default file repository locations for image, index,and file transfer repositories. The archive file repository and external file repositories are optional.

View existing file repositories

The File Repositories page shows the name and location of all configured file repositories, including the defaults, and how many cases are present on each image and index file repository.

To view existing file repositories:

On the Portal Home page, under Portal Management, click Cases and Servers.

In the navigation pane, click File Repositories.

The Archive file repository and External file repositories are indicated by a dot in the corresponding columns.

Add a file repository

Only a system administrator can add a file repository.

To add a file repository:

On the Portal Home page, under Portal Management, click Cases and Servers.

In the navigation pane, click File Repositories.

Click Add.

In the Add file repository dialog box, enter information for the following fields. An asterisk indicates a mandatory field.

For the Type, select Internal or External.

The external repository type enables you to add an external repository, such as cloud storage. When selected, a separate set of options appears.

Complete the following fields for the repository type:

Internal External

Name: For internal file repositories, type a name for the file repository. The name must be unique for that type of file repository.

UNC path (location): Type the path to the file repository.

Account user name: Type the user name in the format domain\username.

Password: Enter the password to use to connect to the file repository. Click Show password to view the characters in the password.

Select Archive if this is an archive file repository.

Default repository for: The Images and Indexescheck boxes are cleared by default. Select whether to set this repository as the default for images or indexes. You can have only one default file repository for each type. You cannot set an archive repository as the default for image or index repositories.

Click Save.

A message appears indicating whether the repository was successfully added.

A list appears to select the type, Amazon S3.

Name: Type a name for the external file repository.

AWS region: Select from the list of available regions.

S3 bucket: Type a name for the S3 bucket.

Root prefix: Optionally, type the name of a specific area within the S3 Bucket to limit access to that area.

Access key: Type the access key from Amazon Web Services.

Secret key: Type the secret access key from Amazon Web Services.

Click Verify to test the connection to the specified S3 bucket using the access key and secret key values.

If the verification is successful, click Save to create the external file repository. If unsuccessful, check the information and fix any spelling errors before you click Verify again. A small error can cause the connection to fail.

Edit a file repository

Only a system administrator can edit a file repository.

To edit a file repository:

On the Portal Home page, under Portal Management, click Cases and Servers.

In the navigation pane, click File Repositories.

Click the name of the file repository to edit.

On the Properties page for the file repository, you can do the following:

In the Name box, change the file repository name.

To make the file repository the default for images or indexes, select the appropriate Default repository for check box.

Note: A default is needed only for the image and index file repositories. Another file repository of the same type must exist to change the default.

Select Archive to make the file repository an archive file repository, unless it is an image or index repository.

For external file repositories, you can change the values for Access key and Secret key on this page. If you change either key value, you must click Verify to verify the connection again.

To save the changes, click Save. To revert to the last saved file repository properties, click Reset.

Delete a file repository

Only a system administrator can delete a file repository.

To delete a file repository:

On the Portal Home page, under Portal Management, click Cases and Servers.

In the navigation pane, click File Repositories.

Select the check box next to the file repository to delete.

Click Delete, and then click OK in the confirmation message.

Note: You cannot delete the default file repository or a file repository that is linked to a case.