Work with cases
Before creating a case, a system administrator must configure at least one database server and an image, index, and file repository. For more information about configuring servers and file repositories, see Servers and File Repositories.
After configuring the servers and file repositories, administrators can manage cases on the Cases page. The Cases page displays the servers and file repositories associated with each case, along with the case processing status. In addition to viewing a list of existing cases, administrators can do the following on the Cases page:
Create a new, empty case
Connect an existing case to the portal
Copy or clone an existing case and duplicate all or some of the case structure
Retry or resubmit a failed case creation job
Disconnect a case
Note: Only system administrators can disconnect cases.
Decommission a case
Edit the following properties and options for an existing case:
Resolve user conflicts
Make a case inactive
Manage restricted user assignment
Manage case options and settings. For more information, see Manage case options and View case settings.
View existing cases
To view existing cases:
On the Portal Home page, under Portal Management, click Cases and Servers.
The Cases page lists the current cases, along with information about each case. This information includes the case status, the case name, a description, the organization, the creation date, the servers and file repositories attached to the case, the billable status of the case, and the progress of the case creation.
Note: All administrators can view the Cases page, but portal users who are case administrators can only view their assigned cases. For portal administrators, when organization security is enabled, the list of available items depends on membership in a provider or client organization. To understand how organizations are managed in Nuix Discover, see Organizations. For a summary of how organization security affects portal access for each user category, see Portal security table.
The icon next to the case name indicates the status of the case. Hover over the icon to view information about the status. If the lock icon is present, case access may be restricted by a system or portal administrator to prevent conflicts of interest.
Add a case
System administrators and portal administrators can add cases.
To add a case:
On the Portal Home page, under Portal Management, click Cases and Servers.
On the Cases page, click Add.
In the Add case window, on the Case Details page, type the Name and an optional Description.
Note: Do not start a case name with a number.
To hide a case from portal users, select Set case to be inactive.
Select an Organization from the list. For portal administrators, when organization security is enabled, the list of available items depends on membership in a provider or client organization. To understand how organizations are managed in Nuix Discover, see Organizations. For a summary of how organization security affects portal access for each user category, see Portal security table.
If you do not select an organization, No Organization is the default value. Click Next.
On the Servers page, the Database, Database name, and Analysis fields are pre-populated. The application removes invalid characters, such as spaces, automatically. Make any changes to the default selections, and then click Next.
Note: You cannot select database servers that are invalid.
The File Repositories page lists the default repositories for Images, Index, and File transfer.
Make changes to the default selections, if needed.
You can have multiple file transfer repositories.
Optionally, you can select an Archive file repository and multiple External file repositories, if either of these repository types are configured. Archive and external file repositories cannot be selected for the other repository types.
For portal administrators, when organization security is enabled, the list of available items depends on membership in a provider or client organization. To understand how organizations are managed in Nuix Discover, see Organizations. For a summary of how organization security affects portal access for each user category, see Portal security table.
On the Case Metrics page, select Schedule a gather case metrics job to run a case metrics job at regular intervals. Under Schedule, configure the job to run Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. After you configure the schedule, the date and time of the next scheduled job appears.
Click Finish.
A message appears indicating that the case is submitted for creation.
Note: For the status of the case creation job, view the Progress column or the processing icon on the Cases page. The RPF continues to process the job even if you navigate away from the Cases page.
Connect to an existing case
Only system administrators can connect to a case that is configured but inactive.
To connect to an existing case:
On the Portal Home page, under Portal Management, click Cases and Servers.
On the Cases page, click Connect to case.
In the Connect to case window, select the Database that contains the case.
Select the Database name for the case database. An error message appears if the selected database is not a case database. If the case database is valid, a list of the features keys enabled for that case appears.
Type a Description.
To connect to the case but hide it from portal users, select Set case to be inactive.
Select an Organization from the list. If the connection is successful, the application adds the case to the current portal and assigns the case to the selected organization.
Click Next.
The Servers page lists the default server for the Analysis server, if one is configured. Click Next.
Note: You cannot select invalid database servers.
The File Repositories page lists the default repositories for Images, Index, and File transfer.
Make changes to the default selections, if needed.
You can have multiple file transfer repositories.
Optionally, you can select an Archive file repository and multiple External file repositories, if any of these repository types are configured. Archive and external file repositories cannot be selected for other repository types.
For portal administrators, when organization security is enabled, the list of available items depends on membership in a provider or client organization. To understand how organizations are managed in Nuix Discover, see Organizations. For a summary of how organization security affects portal access for each user category, see Portal security table.
After you make changes, click Next.
On the Case Metrics page, select Schedule a gather case metrics job to run a case metrics job at regular intervals. Under Schedule, configure the job to run Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. After you configure the schedule, the date and time of the next scheduled job appears.
Click Finish. A message appears indicating success or failure connecting to the case.
Note: For the status of the case connection job, view the Progress column or the processing icon on the Cases page. The RPF continues to process the job even if you navigate away from the Cases page.
Clone a case
System and portal administrators can copy, or clone, an existing case and duplicate the case structure. When you clone a case, you can edit case details, servers, and file repositories for the clone. You can also use the existing case data or clear the database for the new case.
Examples of case structure that is cloned include:
Search Term Family, excluding the history
Workflows and phases
Cubes structure, excluding the data
Case options
Indexing option settings
When you opt to clear the database, the application clears the following kinds of data:
Data specific to documents, for example, coding and assignments
Data specific to processing, for example, import history, export history, and Search Term Family history
For a list of what is cloned regardless of whether you clear the database, see Clone Case Table.
To clone a case:
Note: You cannot clone a source database that is already in the process of being cloned.
On the Portal Home page, under Portal Management, click Cases and Servers.
On the Cases page, select the check box next to the case to clone. For portal administrators, when organization security is enabled, the list of available items depends on membership in a provider or client organization. To understand how organizations are managed in Nuix Discover, see Organizations. For a summary of how organization security affects portal access for each user category, see Portal security table.
Click Clone case.
In the Clone case window, type a new Name for the case and an optional Description.
In the Organization list, you can keep the default setting, or you can select a different organization than the one that is currently associated with the case that you are cloning.
To connect to the case but hide it from portal users, select Set case to be inactive.
To remove the existing data from the case database for the new case, select Clear data. If you leave the Clear data option unselected and the coding history audit feature is enabled for the portal, when you clone a case, auditing is automatically enabled.
Important: This option is not selected by default. To ensure that no document or processing data is cloned, select Clear data.
Click Next.
Click Next. On the Servers page, the Database, Database name, and Analysis fields are pre-populated. The application removes invalid characters, such as spaces, automatically. Make any changes to the default selections, and then click Next.
Note: You cannot select database servers that are invalid.
The File Repositories page lists the default repositories for the cloned case for the Images, Index, and File transfer fields.
Make changes to the default selections, if needed.
You can have multiple file transfer repositories.
Optionally, You can select an Archive file repository and multiple External file repositories, if any of these repository types are configured. Archive and external file repositories cannot be selected for the other repository types.
For portal administrators, when organization security is enabled, the list of available items depends on membership in a provider or client organization. To understand how organizations are managed in Nuix Discover, see Organizations. For a summary of how organization security affects portal access for each user category, see Portal security table.
Make any changes to the default selections, and then click Next.
On the Case Metrics page, select Schedule a gather case metrics job to run a case metrics job at regular intervals. Under Schedule, configure the job to run Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. After you configure the schedule, the date and time of the next scheduled job appears. Click Finish.
A message appears indicating success or failure cloning the case.
Note: For the status of the cloning job, view the Progress column or the processing icon on the Cases page. The RPF continues to process the job even if you navigate away from the Cases page.
Resubmit a failed case creation job
You can resubmit a submitted case job that fails during case creation, while attempting to connect to an existing case, or while cloning a case.
To resubmit a failed case creation job:
On the Portal Home page, under Portal Management, click Cases and Servers.
On the Cases page, select the check box next to the case to retry. The case must have the Failed processing status icon.
On the More menu, click Resubmit.
On the Cases page, monitor the processing status icon for the case, and resubmit if the case fails again.
Disconnect a case
Only a system administrator can disconnect a case. Disconnecting a case does not delete any databases or files on file repositories. Disconnecting a case also deletes the RPF jobs and RPF-scheduled jobs for the case.
Note: To connect to a case at a later time, you must re-create all schedules. For more information, see Connect to an existing case.
To make a case inactive instead of disconnecting the case, see Edit case properties.
To disconnect a case:
On the Portal Home page, under Portal Management, click Cases and Servers.
On the Cases page, select the check box next to the case to delete, and then click Disconnect case. To understand how organizations are managed in Nuix Discover, see Organizations. For a summary of how organization security affects portal access for each user category, see Portal security table.
Note: You cannot disconnect a case that is queued, processing, or failed.
Click OK to confirm.
Decommission a case
A system administrator can use the case decommission feature to remove a case and its associated files from a portal.
To decommission a case:
To decommission a case, select the check box next to the case name and select More > Decommission. The Decommission case window opens.
The Summary page displays the case name, hosted size (if available), and the file repositories assigned to the case. The summary does not include external file repositories. A message appears at the top of the page that informs you that if you decommission this case, the case and all associated files are permanently deleted with no backup. This includes all case databases, and all files from each of the listed file repositories.
To decommission the case, select the Delete this case and all associated files check box, and then click OK.
The application then initiates an RPF job with the following stages:
A case metrics job runs as the first stage before the case is deleted.
The case is taken offline, any scheduled or running jobs for the case are disabled, and users can no longer access the case.
A separate browser window opens to show the progress of the delete operation. Closing the window does not affect the RPF job.
You can also monitor the progress of the RPF job stages in the Progress column on the portal-level Cases and Servers > Cases page.
Note: For failed jobs, you can select the case on the Cases page and click Resubmit.
When the deletion is complete, the case appears on the portal-level Cases and Servers > Deleted Cases page and no longer appears on the Cases page.
Delete case records
The Deleted Cases page displays all cases that were deleted from the portal. The page also includes information about the user who deleted the case, the case deletion date, the case creation date, and the associated organization. If organization security is enabled, the list of available cases for portal administrators depends on membership in a provider or a client organization. System administrators can view all deleted cases.
After a case is deleted, as a system administrator, you can also delete the case records.
To delete case records:
On the Portal Management > Cases and Servers > Deleted Cases page, select a check box for a case.
On the toolbar, click Delete record.
In the Delete record dialog box, select the Delete case record and all metrics check box.
Important: Once you select this check box and click OK in the following step, the case record and all metrics are permanently deleted from the portal database.
Click OK.
After you delete the record, the deleted case no longer appears on the Deleted Cases page or on the Portal Management > Reports page.
Note: You can then create a new case with the same case name if needed.
Edit case properties
A system administrator or a portal administrator can use the Properties page to do the following:
Edit the case name and description
Change the organization
Assign an IP address rule set to the case
Edit the servers and file repositories configured for the case
Make a case inactive or active
Enable or disable restricted user assignment
Generate a user report to resolve user conflicts
Change the billable status of a case
You can edit any case that is valid or inactive. You cannot edit a case that is queued, processing, or failed. To view the status of the job on the portal Processing page, click the Progress link.
For more information about viewing job status, see Processing.
For information about how system administrators can bulk edit case properties, see Bulk edit case properties.
To edit case properties:
On the Portal Home page, under Portal Management, click Cases and Servers.
On the Cases page, click the name of the case to edit.
Note: You cannot edit the case properties when the case is in the failed state.
On the Properties page, you can edit the following fields:
Case Name or Description. The following information applies to renaming a case on this page.
Note: Rather than rename a case using the Name box, we suggest that you enter text in the Description box. Renaming a case on this page does not change the original database name of the case in SQL.
Avoid using a hyphen ( - ) in case names. Instead, use an underscore ( _ ).
Do not start a case name with a number.
The case name cannot contain the following restricted characters: [ ] ; : ? < > | * ! # @ $ % ^ ( ) + = { } ` \
Warning: Case administrators should not remove the N or P number prefix in front of the case name. Those letters represent the account number that is set by the Nuix system administrators.
Organization: For portal administrators, when organization security is enabled, the list of available items depends on membership in a provider or client organization. To understand how organizations are managed in Nuix Discover, see Organizations. For a summary of how organization security affects portal access for each user category, see Portal security table.
If you do not select an organization, No Organization is the default value.
IP address rule: To assign an IP address rule set, select a rule set in the list.
When a user from a restricted IP address attempts to access the case on the Portal Home page, the link is not active and Access restricted appears as a tooltip. Users are also restricted from accessing the case from another link or location within the application.
Database server: Select a valid database server.
Analysis server: Select a valid analysis server.
Default file repositories for Image, Index file, and File transfer:
Make changes to the Image, Index file, and File transfer selections, if needed.
You can have multiple file transfer repositories.
Optionally, you can select an Archive file repository and multiple External file repositories, if any of these repository types are configured. Archive and external file repositories cannot be selected for the other repository types.
For portal administrators, when organization security is enabled, the list of available items depends on membership in a provider or client organization. To understand how organizations are managed in Nuix Discover, see Organizations. For a summary of how organization security affects portal access for each user category, see Portal security table.
To make the case active or inactive, select or clear the Inactive check box.
To enable or disable restricted user assignments, select or clear Restricted user assignment. The check box is only available if you are a system administrator, or a portal administrator who has been given the right to manage restricted user assignments as a user.
Note: When a case is designated as a “restricted user assignment” case, only portal administrators who have been granted the right to manage restricted user assignments can assign users to such a case. Portal administrators who have not been granted the right to manage restricted user assignments cannot select restricted user assignment cases when assigning users to cases. System administrators can still assign users to cases regardless of this setting. For more information, see Work with users.
To change the billable status of a case so that you can determine the status when you query the cases {billingStatus} field using the Connect API Explorer, select Non-billable. You must be a system administrator to access this check box. Portal administrators can view but not edit the check box.
Note: You can select this option only after you create a case. You can check the billable status of a case on the Portal Management > Cases and Servers > Cases page.
To download a user conflict report as spreadsheet (.csv file), click User Conflicts.
The report lists the users who experienced a conflict with an existing user on the portal while connecting to a case. To resolve the conflict, under User Administration, edit the users and reassign the users to the case. For more information, see Working with user administration.
To save changes, click Save. To revert to the last saved case properties, click Reset.
Bulk edit case properties
System administrators can change the properties for the following for multiple cases in one action:
IP Address Rule
Database Server
Analysis Server
Image Repository
Index file Repository
File transfer Repository
Archive repository
Billable Status
Note: This feature is available only for cases with a status of valid or inactive.
To change the property settings for multiple cases:
On the Portal Management > Cases and Servers page, select one or more cases.
On the toolbar, on the More menu, select Bulk edit.
The Bulk edit window appears and displays the IP Address Rule page.
Note: The settings on most of the pages in the Bulk edit window follow the same pattern, except for the File transfer Repository page. The default option for all pages in the Bulk edit window is No change.
To change the setting on the IP Address Rule page, do the following:
Select Replace with, and then select a new value from the list.
Note: The IP Address Rule settings are the values that are allowed for all of the organizations that are linked to the selected cases.
To save your changes and exit the window, click Save.
Note: When you click Save, the application creates a case edit job.
To change the setting on the Database Server page, do the following:
In the navigation pane, click Database Server.
On the Database Server page, select Replace with, and then select a new value from the list.
To save your changes and exit the window, click Save.
Note: When you click Save, the application creates a case edit job.
To change the setting on the Analysis Server page, do the following:
In the navigation pane, click Analysis Server.
On the Analysis Server page, select Replace with, and then select a new value from the list.
To save your changes and exit the window, click Save.
Note: When you click Save, the application creates a case edit job.
To change the setting on the Image Repository page, do the following:
In the navigation pane, click Image Repository.
On the Image Repository page, select Replace with, and then select a new value from the list.
To save your changes and exit the window, click Save.
Note: When you click Save, the application creates a case edit job.
To change the setting on the Index file Repository page, do the following:
In the navigation pane, click Index file Repository.
On the Index file Repository page, select Replace with, and then select a new value from the list.
To save your changes and exit the window, click Save.
Note: When you click Save, the application creates a case edit job.
To change the setting on the File transfer Repository page, do the following:
In the navigation pane, click File transfer Repository.
Do one of the following:
To override the existing setting, select Override with, and then select a value from the list.
Or, to add a new value, select Add new value, and then select a new value from the list.
Note: You can select multiple values when you override the settings or add a new value.
To save your changes and exit the window, click Save.
Note: When you click Save, the application creates a case edit job.
To change the setting on the Archive repository page, do the following:
In the navigation pane, click Archive repository.
On the Archive repository page, select Replace with, and then select a new value from the list.
To save your changes and exit the window, click Save.
Note: When you click Save, the application creates a case edit job.
To change the setting on the Billable Status page, do the following:
In the navigation pane, click Billable Status.
On the Billable Status page, select Replace with, and then select Billable or Non-billable in the list.
Note: If you select the No change option, the non-billable status is not changed for any cases.
To save your changes and exit the window, click Save. When you click Save, the application creates a case edit job.
Note: You can view the billable status on the Cases page, in the Non-billable column.